Monday, March 2, 2009

Rolling right along

Things have been coming right along the last little while. I've been feeling really strong and healthy which is great.
Things went as good as could be expected last week at the funeral in Blind River. I got out for a good run Thursday morning before breakfast on a nice back road with some rolling hills. It's always so much more exciting biking or running somewhere you've never been before. We got back Thursday night right before the big storm...what's one more big snow fall this winter.
Lea's parents stayed with us Friday night and we got some stuff done for the wedding. I did get some bad news though about the wedding...I got a letter from my grandma this weekend that her doctor said she's not well enough to travel so she wont be able to come. I really wanted her to be able to make it so it was some disappointing news!
I also had a meeting with Matt Mooney at ShotCrete Plus last week and he has made another donation this year to help me out with cost. I also received a letter and cheque in the mail from a complete stranger last week. I was very surprised but very happy and very thankful!!
Tonight I have a big workout with a 3km run, hope on the bike for 1hour had hard and then another 3km run off the bike. With a little swim, core and some stretching it should be a good day!

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