Saturday was a lot of fun with the winter carnival in the morning and early afternoon then Sig came over and brought us our house warming present which is really good. He got us a really nice stereo system and speakers that seems to do almost anything. Then we had a nice supper together and then Lea and I met up with Jesse and Sarah at the movies to watch The International. Not sure what to think of the movie, it was good but there were some twists in the movie that were hard to follow.
Late Saturday night though we got a phone call fro Lea's parents that Lea's cousin had passed away. He had been fighting cancer for quite awhile...he is going to be missed by many and this week Lea's parents will be coming up to stay with us and then we will all go to Blind River on Wednesday and Thursday.
The diet is going good, I'm almost done phase one and am pretty excited to start phase two as it has quite a bit more variety. I'm now down to 148.2lbs today. I don't think I weighed this much since I was 12.
Yesterday the YMCA Youth Triathlon went really good with 9 kids participating. I gave a little presentation afterwards with my bikes and all my other gear.
Training is going really good also...I'm getting in some hard bikes with a lot of 15min. intervals at 90%. The weights and core are really helping also as I feel stronger already. This morning I did a swim with the main set of 8x225m Fr @3:00
Challenges and Reflections.
8 years ago