Saturday, May 31, 2008

Cold swim!

Well as you can see by the pictures after supper I braved the cold water and took the plunge. I definitely got a good brain freeze for the first few minutes but then it went away and I seemed to warm up a little bit if I can call it that...the swim only lasted about 20minutes all together.
So today I went to Canadian Tire to return a blender that I had bought but hadn't used it yet because for my birthday last week my sister got me the exact same blender so I had to return one of them. Anyways the lady was quite rude and gave me a really hard time about returning it so after arguing she finally took it back. Then I headed over to Laurentian where I met up with Lise to do her timed swim. She did her 800m LC in 20:32 which was really good her for! Congrates Lise, keep up the good work!! After that I hopped in the pool for a little swim for myself. After my warm up I just did a bunch of 100's LC trying to hit around 1:07-1:08 and feel as comfortable as possible doing it. Just trying to get ready for next Saturday.
Once I got home I went out for a little ride, about 75minutes with a few hill repeats and then a little 20 minute run off the bike.
After that it was supper time and I had some really good fish with potatoes. Tonight I took my bike apart a bit and started giving it a good cleaning in the bath tub. It's been awhile since I've really givin it a good cleaning so I figured I'd give it a good one before I go away. So tomorrow I have a good run planned in the AM then maybe a swim in the pool in the evening.
Well the most exciting part of the day was inching my way into the lake for the first time this season and then doing a few transitions. So that's all for now hopefully you enjoy the pics.

"Thank you to the people who said I couldn't, you have been what has defined me, never give up, and never back down".

Friday, May 30, 2008

Crappy weather ahead

So as the weather man predicted the rain has started and is supposed to stay all weekend. I'm glad I got my run in this morning before it started and hopefully tomorrow I can sneak a bike in without getting too wet. So yesterday after work I was biking home and decided to head over to the track at Delki to do some tempo work. I ended up spending about 40minutes on the track and about 25km at race pace then continued home although as soon as I got out onto the highway a nice head wind greeted me for the rest of the ride home.
Today was a bit of a recovery day for me with a 45minute easy jog with one of my clients from work and then a good swim in the pool at lunch.
800FR swim/pull/kick
8x100mod+50Fast @ 2:00
10x100FR @ 1:20 holding 1:08
After my swim I had one more client then called it a day at about 1:30pm. The rest of the day is going to be spent relaxing and getting some rest. Tomorrow all I have planned is a little brick workout then meeting this one client that I'm training for her Ironman to do a timed swim at the pool then hop in for an easy 2000m.
So tomorrow will be one week till Worlds in Vancouver and I still haven't been in the lake yet this year for any wet suit swimming because the the weather hasn't been that great so far and the nights go down below 5 degrees celcius and even below freezing some nights. I guess it's not the end of the world though for me because of my swimming back ground I don't have to worry as much about that part of the race.
Oh and before I forget probably the biggest news today was I was asked my Mark Sluban to be on the ESTEEM TEAM that is a National Level Role Model Program and they want to train me for public speaking so I can continue to go into schools and share my story while delivering a positive message to the youth on goal setting, and living an active and healthy lifestyle. So that really made me feel good today to know that they recognized me like that and want me to travel and talk to our youth. Anyways if you're interested in checking out their wetsite it's
Well that's all for now so I'll blog again later in the weekend and let you know how the training is going and anything else exciting going on.

"Thank you to the people who said I couldn't, you have been what has defined me, never give up, and never back down."

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Long Day...

Today was kind of long day and its still not done...this morning I was up at 5am like usual to be at the pool for 6am to coach another triathlete then I got in the pool after that for my swim. This mornings swim was actually the first time in almost a month I actually felt good in the water so hopefully its a sign for next week! About a 1000m warm up with some build 100's at the end. Then the main set was 5x300 at 4:00 but each 100 within the 300's was decending. My last 100's were around 1:05. After that I just did a 200 Fast (2:10) then cool down.
Then I spent about 4 hours at Laurentian because today was "Canada Games Day" for all the elementary school kids and they asked that I put on a run clinic so I had 4 groups with about 75kids in each group. Just talked a little about running and what it involves, then we did some ABC's on the track for a warm up. After that I took them on a little run on the trail and lets just say there was more walkers than's ok though cause I know there was kids from all different back grounds so I had to expect that. Then I did some stretching with them and then just a fun relay to finish off with.
So once I got out of there I came home and grabbed the bike for a little 1.5hour ride. Nothing special, just a few km's at pace getting ready for next week. Now I'm heading back to Laurentian where I have to spend the night working...lots of fun! I guess I can't complain too much though cause we just got like a $3.00 pay raise so that was pretty sweet. Anyways I'm out!

"Thank you to the people who said I couldn't, you have been what has defined me, never give up, and never back down."

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

12 Days till Race Day

Hey Everyone,

Here is my first blog ever, and I am excited to keep you posted on my triathlon happenings. I will write back later today with a better update on World Championships in Vancouver!